Hi, it's me Arnett
Owner Arnett Woodall is a man on a mission to build a community with healthy eating habits and to bring affordable fresh fruits and vegetables to inner city food deserts.
West Phillie Produce is globally published as the model for all underserved communities across the country.
Arnett Woodall, Owner, and builder of West Phillie Produce broke ground July 7th, 2007 and opened to the public July, 9th 2009.

Let's collab!
The West Market Street Improvement Association
Targeted corridor management. Corridor Manger REP Proposa
Commercial Corridor Cleaning Assistance Program
Development of the West Market Improvement Association (contributions)

Safe Street & Clean Street.
Clean street, grant for welfare to work, returning citizens, workforce grants, clip program, Philadelphia activities, probation office community service hours.
Safe Street: volunteers, workforce grant, returning veterans grants, and Philadelphia citizens.
Fund raising through events

Businesses small and large.
Promotional Resources: access to marketing and advertising materials that aid members in promoting their business.
Representation: the organization works as a voice for its members in local government. Referrals: requests for goods and services from outside vendors are forwarded to members.
Business mixers: networking events that allow members to interact with other professionals.

Community Sponsorships & Partnership.
The Association, through its activities concerning issues of business, transportation, and social issues, affects the citizens of the greater West Philadelphia area daily. The economic success of an area is tied to its quality of life and for this reason the West Philadelphia Market Street Improvement Association places priorities in issues such as education, community, relations, medical facilities, and leisure activities. The effects of the association’s activities to improve the area’s quality of life will be numerous. One such example is the Association’s promotion and support of the community events in the city. The Association plans to host a West Market Street Run and Walk. The plan is to showcase Philadelphia and its partner, Millbourne with a Market Street Run/ Walk event. The starting line will begin at the Millbourne side of 63rd Street with the finish line at 15th and Market at City Hall. This event can be achieved with the help of all partners on the West Market Street corridor and partner’s down the Market Street corridor.
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